International GCSEs (9-1)
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This page contains PowerPoints that cover the 2017 (9-1) EdExcel International GCSE courses for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Purchasing a subscription for this site enables you to download ALL of the content on this page and any future updates for the next 12 months.
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Powerpoints for the following units:
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1 - The Nature and Variety of Living Organisms
This slideshow covers the first topic from the EdExcel 9-1 Biology unit. It includes: the eight life processes, the four kingdoms of eukaryotic organisms, basic information on animals and plants as organisms, basic information on fungi and protoctists, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, how a virus grows, examples of viral diseases.

2 - Structure and Function in Living Organisms
This detailed slideshow covers the whole of the EdExcel 9-1 Biology topic 2, including: cells, tissues, organs and systems, plant and animal cells and what they contain, specialised cells, cell differentiation, stem cells, stem cell research, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, testing foods for starch, sugar, protein and fat, enzymes and what conditions they work best in, diffusion, diffusion in the lungs, single celled organisms, osmosis, active transport, root hair cells, examples of active transport in plants and humans, active transport compared to diffusion and osmosis, photosynthesis and what it needs, the equation for photosynthesis, limiting factors, how to encourage photosynthesis, leaf structure, stomata and what they do, how plants use minerals, the starch test, the healthy eating wheel, food types, factors that affect how much energy we need, the digestive system and how it works, peristalsis, enzymes in digestion, bile and the liver, diffusion in villi, calorimetry, respiration and its equations, anearobic respiration in plants and yeast, diffusion in plants, gas concentrations in a plant over a day, the effect of light on gas exchange, the respiratory system, how breathing works, how alveoli work, damaging the lungs, heart disease, coronary heart disease and its link to smoking, surface area to volume ratios, xylem and phloem, transpiration, factors affecting transpiration, measuring the rate of transpiration, the four parts of blood, white blood cells, producing antibodies and antitoxins, specific antibodies, memory cells, vaccinations, blood clotting, the structure of the heart, health and what affects it, arteries, veins and capillaries, the circulatory system, double circulation and how it works, excretion in plants, excreting waste products in humans, the urinary system, kidneys and how ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption work, the structure of the kidney, controlling water content in humans and the role of ADH, the nervous and endocrine systems, homestasis, plant hormones, the central nervous system, nervous and reflex actions, synapses, the eye and its structure, how we focus on different distances, how the body regulates temperature, the endocrine system, hormones in the menstrual cycle (including the role of FSH and LH).

3 - Reproduction and Inheritance
Use this slideshow to help you teach the 3rd topic from the EdExcel iGCSE (9-1) course. It covers: sexual vs asexual reproduction, fertilisation, the structure of a flower, reproduction in plants, pollination, seeds and how they grow, cloning plants, the male and female reproductive system, fertility and the role of hormones, the role of the placenta and umbilical cord, DNA and some basic facts about it, RNA vs DNA, how proteins are synthesised, how sex is determined by chromosomes, definitions of terms such as phenotype and allele, monohybrid cross diagrams, determining inheritance using punnett squares, family pedigree charts, codominance, cell growth through mitosis and meiosis, variation, environmental differences, mutating DNA, how the risk of mutations can be increased, the basics of evolution through natural selection.

4 - Ecology and the Environment
This fully-editable PowerPoint covers: Organisation in an ecosystem, using quadrats to sample an ecosystem, biodiversity, the effect of changing abiotic and biotic factors, food chains and food webs, how a changing population affects a food chain or web, trophic levels, definitions of terms such as top carnivore, pyramids of number, pyramids of biomass, energy transfer in a food chain, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, deforestation, pollution, the greenhouse effect, global warming, how humans are affecting global warming, polluting water, eutrophication.

5 - Use of Biological Resources
This PowerPoint covers the following content: a recap of photosynthesis, how greenhouses encourage plant growth, NPK fertilisers and why they are used, biological pest control, chemical pest control using pesticides, bioaccumulation, making bread using yeast and anaerobic respiration, making yoghurt using bacteria to ferment milk, industrial fermenters, fish farming and how conditions are controlled, selective breeding and some examples, genetic modification, how plants and animals are genetically engineered, how insulin is made using genetic engineering, micropropagation, Dolly the Sheep and how she was cloned, transgenic animals.

1 - Principles of Chemistry
This slideshow covers the content of topic 1 from the EdExcel 9-1 iGCSE course in Chemistry, including: revision of particle theory, changes of state, changes of mass, gas diffusion, definitions of terms such as saturated solution, what happens when something dissolves, solubility, elements, compounds and mixtures, heating curve for ice, melting points of different solutions, ways to separate mixtures (including chromatography, filtration, evaporation and distillation), RF values, the structure of the atom, mass number, atomic number, an introduction to the periodic table, electron structure for different groups in the periodic table, how to name compounds, balancing equations, state symbols, relative formula mass, definition of the mole, calculating the mass of a product, calculating percentage yield and empirical formulae, volume and concentration, how to convert a concentration, calculating the volume of a gas, an introduction to bonding, the basics of ionic and covalent bonding, balancing ions, giant ionic structures, what happens when an ionic structure dissolves, dot and cross diagrams, properties of simple covalent compounds, giant covalent structures, fullerenes, metals and metallic bonding, thermal and electrical conductivity in metals, electrolysis and how it works, the reactivity series and its relevance for electrolysis, half equations, electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.

2 - Inorganic Chemistry
This PowerPoint covers: the alkali metals and their properties, the halogens and their properties, the reactivity of group 1 and group 7 explained using electron structure, how to test for chlorine, displacement reactions, composition of the Earth's atmosphere, determining the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, combustion of elements, thermal decomposition of carbonates, global warming, the greenhouse effect, the reactivity series, displacement reactions, rusting and ways to prevent it, galvanising and sacrificial protection, redox reactions, how to extract a metal from its ore, alloys, basic facts about acids and alkalis, different indicators, the pH scale, titration, solubility rules for different ions, acids and bases, neutralisation reactions, how to make different salts, reactions of common compounds with different acids, testing for hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia, flame tests, testing for ammonium ions, testing for copper, iron, halide and sulfate ions, testing for water and water purity.

3 - Physical Chemistry
This PowerPoint covers: endothermic and exothermic reactions, energy changes from reactions, energy level diagrams, calculating bond energies and enthalpy changes, measuring the rate of reaction, drawing graphs of the rate of reaction, collision theory and how a rate of reaction is affected by temperature, concentration and surface area, using catalysts, reversible reactions, equilibrium and factors that affect it.

4 - Organic Chemistry
Use this slideshow to help you teach organic chemistry for the iGCSE course. It covers: hydrocarbons, crude oil, how to draw molecules, homologous series, functional groups, isomers, types of reaction, fractional distillation, burning hydrocarbons, incomplete combustion, the dangers of carbon monoxide, pollution, cracking, alkanes, adding halogens to alkanes, alkenes, adding halogens to alkenes, testing for alkenes, alcohols, oxidation of alcohols, making alcohol by fermentation, reactions of alkenes to make alcohols, carboxylic acids, reactions of carboxylic acids, esters, predicting reactions, preparing esters, monomers and polymers, condensation polymerisation.

Physics 1 - Forces and Motion
This slideshow covers the content from the first topic in the EdExcel 9-1 iGCSE course on Physics, including: distance, speed, time, acceleration, distance-time graphs, velocity-time graphs, speed vs velocity, circular motion, vector and scalar quantities, balanced and unbalanced forces, resultant force, F=ma, W=mg, stopping distances for cars, terminal velocity, Hooke's Law, force-extension graphs, momentum, conservation of momentum, momentum and force, Newton's Laws of Motion, turning moments, balancing a seesaw, calculating turning moments, centre of gravity, forces on a bridge.

Physics 2 - Electricity
This slideshow covers: how to wire a plug, the role of the fuse and earth wire, circuit breakers, the heating effect of a current, AC and DC, P=IV, fuse ratings, the definition of electric current, circuit symbols, current and voltage in series and parallel circuits, advantages of series and parallel circuits, V=IR, Ohm's Law, resistors in series and parallel, current-voltage graphs for resistors, bulbs and diodes, what affects the resistance of a thermistor and an LDR, Q=IT, W=QV, static electricity, how gold leaf electroscopes work, how Van De Graaf generators work, uses of static electricity in photocopiers and printers, dangers of static electricity.

Physics 3 - Waves
Use this slideshow to help you teach the Waves topic. It covers: definition of a wave, transverse and longitudinal waves, definitions of terms such as amplitude, wavelength and frequency, the wave equation, the Doppler effect, electromagnetic radiation, uses and dangers of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, reflection, ray diagrams for reflection, refraction, ray diagrams for refraction, Snell's Law, the critical angle, calculating the critical angle using the refractive index, total internal reflection, measuring wave speed, sound waves and how they are caused, using oscilloscopes, measuring frequency and wavelength using oscilloscopes, auditory ranges of different animals.

Physics 4 - Energy
This slideshow covers: types of energy, energy stores, energy transfers, Sankey diagrams, efficiency and how to calculate it, conduction, convection and radiation, ways to reduce heat loss, work done, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, power and energy, fuels as sources of energy, pollution, nuclear power stations, advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, energy transfers in power stations.

Physics 5 - Solids, Liquids and Gases
This PowerPoint covers: revision of particle theory, density, pressure, pressure as a function of depth, atmospheric pressure, changes of state, changes of mass during a change of state, energy changes when melting ice, internal energy, specific heat capacity, how to experimentally determine specific heat capacity, particle motion in gases and how it is affected by temperature, pressure and volume in gases, kinetic energy and temperature, how particle motion is affected by temperature, absolute zero and the Kelvin scale.

Physics 6 - Magnetism and Electromagnetism
This slideshow covers topic 6 from the iGCSE EdExcel Physics course, including: magnetic fields and how to plot them, permanent vs induced magnetism, magnetic field around a current-carrying wire, how to make an electromagnet, magnetic field around a coil, the motor effect, Fleming's Left Hand Rule, electric motors and how to build them, how loudspeakers work, electromagnetic induction, the generator effect, AC generators and the roles of slip rings and brushes, dynamos, transformers, current and voltage in transformers, transformers in the National Grid.

Physics 7 - Radioactivity and Particles
This slideshow covers: the structure and charge of an atom, mass and atomic number, isotopes, ionisation, types of radiation, alpha, beta and gamma radiation and how to block them, nuclear equations for radioactive decay, ways to detect radioactivity using a Geiger Muller tube or photographic film, background radiation and what makes it up, half life and its definition, questions on half life, using radioactivity in tracers and cancer treatment, nuclear power stations, nuclear fission, chain reactions, nuclear fusion.

Physics 8 - Space Physics
This slideshow covers the Space topic from the 9-1 EdExcel iGCSE course, including: the solar system, the Earth's orbit, orbits of satellites, orbital radius and how it affects orbital velocity, asteroids and comets, how colour is related to temperature for a star, the life cycle of a star (including the nebula, main sequence, red giant, black dwarf, white dwarf, red supergiant, supernova and black hole stages), the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, the Big Bang Theory and evidence for it (red shift and cosmic microwave background radiation), calculating the speed of a galaxy using red shift and the Doppler Effect.