Year 9 Modules
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These slideshows are matched to the QCA scheme of work and can easily be combined to create larger slideshows if needed.
Powerpoints for the following units:
Jump to:Biology:

9A Inheritance and Selection
Variation, differences due to environment, sexual reproduction, cloning, asexual reproduction, selective breeding

9B Fit and Healthy
Body systems, balanced diet, deficiency symptoms, the role of muscles and the skeleton, joints, the respiratory system, gas exchange in the lungs, damage caused by smoking, the effects of drugs.

9C Plants and Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis, the structure of a leaf, palisade cells, starch test, root hair cells, how plants use water and what happens during photosynthesis.

9D Plants for Food
Food chains involving plants, different types of food from plants, helping plants to grow, advantages and disadvantages of herbicides and pesticides.

9E Reactions of Metals
Testing for hydrogen and salts, reactions of metals with acids, testing for carbon dioxide, reactions of metal carbonates with acids, reactions of metal oxides with acids, neutralisation reactions.

9F Patterns of Reactivity
Properties of metals and non-metals, reactions of metals with oxygen and water, the reactivity series, displacement reactions.

9G Environmental Chemistry
The contents of soil, acid rain and what causes it, air pollution, global warming, the greenhouse effect, changing the balance between respiration and photosynthesis.

9H Using Chemistry
Burning fuels, diagrams of the chemical reactions in burning fuels and hydrogen, difference between burning fuels in varying amounts of oxygen, energy from displacement reaction, how batteries work, conservation of mass in reactions.

9I Energy and Electricity
Different types of energy, energy changes, how electrical energy moves around circuits, fuels, renewable sources of energy, power stations, energy transfer diagrams.

9J Gravity and Space
Gravity and what affects it, the difference between weight and mass, rocket flight, natural and artificial satellites.

9K Speeding Up
Speed calculations, balanced and unbalanced forces, air resistance, terminal velocity explanation and graphs.

9L Pressure and Moments
Basic ideas and questions on pressure calculations, gas pressure, hydraulic systems, levers, how to calculate turning moments, stability.