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This page contains PowerPoints for the NEW AQA 2016 GCSE course. The entire triple science course is covered in these slideshows. The separate science or higher tier only content is also clearly labelled, meaning that the slideshows can easily be adapted for double science and lower ability groups as well. Purchasing a subscription for this site enables you to download ALL of the content on this page and any future updates for the next 12 months.
Powerpoints for the following units:
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Biology 1 - Cell Biology
This slideshow covers the content from the Cell Biology topic in the 2016 AQA syllabus. It includes: Plant and animal cells, eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, bacteria, structures in a typical plant and animal cell, specialised cells, xylem and phloem, cell differentiation, microscopy, scanning electron microsopes, growing bacteria using agar plates, cell division, mitosis, stem cells, stem cell research, meristems, diffusion, diffusion in the lungs, single celled organisms, gas exchange in fish, how lungs are adapted for gas exchange, osmosis, active transport, root hair cells and how they are adapted, comparing diffusion, osmosis and active transport.

Biology 2 - Organisation
This slideshow covers the 2016 AQA syllabus "Organisation" topic, including: cells, tissues, organs and systems, recap of the digestive system from KS3, enzymes, the active site, how enzymes can be denatured, enzymes in digestion, bile and the liver, the respiratory system, diffusion in the lungs, the circulatory system, double circulation, pacemakers, arteries, veins and capillaries, the four components of blood, heart disease, using stents, artificial valves and hearts, factors affecting health, how diseases can interact, interpreting data and health, non-communicable diseases, cancer, plant tissue, cross section of a leaf, transpiration, factors affecting transpiration rate, xylem and phloem, root hair cells and how they are adapted, guard cells and stomata.

Biology 4 - Bioenergetics
This slideshow covers topic 4 from the 2016 AQA syllabus and includes: photosynthesis and what it needs, the equation for photosynthesis, determining factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis, limiting factors and their graphs, intensity and photosynthesis, encouraging photosynthesis in a greenhouse, what the glucose is used for, respiration and its equation, anaerobic respiration, using respiration in plants and yeast, the effect of exercise on breathing and heart rates, metabolism.

Biology 3 - Infection and Response
This slideshow covers: pathogens, how pathogens enter our body, different types of pathogen, further details about diseases (HIV, measles, TMV, salmonella, gonorrhoea, rose black spot and malaria), how our bodies defend ourselves against microbes, the role of white blood cells, producing antibodies, vaccinations, antibiotics, painkillers, discovering and developing new drugs, pre-clinical and clinical trials, placebos, how monoclonal antibodies are produced, uses of monoclonal antibodies, using monoclonal antibodies to fight cancer, plant diseases, plant deficiency symptoms, how plants defend themselves using physical, chemical or mechanical means.

Biology 5 - Homeostasis and Response
This slideshow covers: a definition of homeostasis, factors that need controlling in our bodies, the nervous system and how it works, the roles of receptors, coordinators and effectors, conscious actions, reflex actions, nerve cells, synapses, the brain, how the brain can be studied, the eye, how we see things, focusing on different distances (accommodation), the iris reflex, using lenses to correct short and long sightedness, using lasers in surgery, controlling body temperature, vasoconstriction and vasodilation, hormones and the endocrine system, the pituitary gland, how our bodies control blood sugar levels, diabetes, how diabetes is linked to obesity, the role of glucogen, negative feedback, osmosis, excreting waste products, amino acids in digestion, kidneys, ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption in kidneys, how our bodies control water content, dialysis, kidney transplants, hormones in sexual reproduction, hormones in the menstrual cycle, fertility, the stages of the menstrual cycle, methods of contraception, evaluating different methods of contraception, fertility drugs and IVF, evaluating fertility treatment, adrenaline and thyroxine, plant hormones, geotropism and phototropism, using auxin, ethene and gibberellins in plants.

Biology 6 - Inheritance, Variation and Evolution
Use this slideshow to teach unit 6 from the 2016 Science (Biology) course. It covers: sexual reproduction, cell growth through mitosis, gamete formation through meiosis, mitosis and meiosis compared, sexual and asexual reproduction compared, examples of sexual and asexual reproduction in nature, genes, chromosomes and DNA, the Human Genome Project, DNA in more detail, making proteins using mRNA and ribosomes, mutations in DNA, proteins, mutations in DNA and how they affect proteins, the genetics of gender inheritance, definitions of genetics terms such as homozygous, heterozygous, dominant and recessive, the Punnett square method of determining inheritance, inherited diseases, genetic cross diagrams, variation, environmental differences in species, beneficial mutations, definition of "species", selective breeding, examples of selective breeding, basics of genetic engineering, genetic modification and how it is done, cloning plants, cloning animals, the Theory of Evolution, natural selection and how it works, controversy about Darwin's work, natural selection in bacteria and MRSA, Darwin's theories compared to Lamarck's, speciation, how geographical isolation can lead to speciation, the work of Gregor Mendel, evidence for evolution, fossils and how they are formed, extinct species and how they became extinct, using antibiotics sparingly, classification of organisms and the work of Linnaeus, the 5 kingdoms, common ancestors and the evolution tree.

Biology 7 - Ecology
This slideshow covers everything from Biology unit 7, including: ecosystems, competition within an ecosystem, interdependence, abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem, adaptation, extreme environments and extremophiles, food chains, producers in food chains, using quadrats, definitions of terms such as top carnivore and tertiary consumer, predator-prey cycles, the carbon cycle, the water cycle, decomposition, conditions needed for decay, decay of milk and example results, compost bins, biogas generators and how they work, impact of environmental changes, biodiversity, waste management, land use, destruction of peat bogs, deforestation, carbon dioxide and global warming, the greenhouse effect, potential effects of global warming, maintaining biodiversity, numbering trophic levels in a food chain, decomposers, pyramids of biomass, energy flow in a food chain with an example calculation of percentage loss, global population changes and how they affect food security, farming techniques and how to improve efficiency in a food chain, sustainable development, fusarium fungus and mycoprotein, genetically modified foods.

Chemistry 1 - Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
This slideshow covers the new AQA 2016 GCSE content on Chemistry unit 1, including: the structure of the atom, elements, compounds, balancing equations, naming compounds, mixtures, filtration, evaporation, distillation, chromatography, the development of atomic structure theory, Rutherford scattering, mass and atomic number, isotopes, electron structure, the periodic table, how the periodic table has developed, properties of metals, the noble gases, the alkali metals, reactivity and properties of alkali metals, the halogens, reactivity and properties of the halogens, properties of the transition metals.

Chemistry 2 - Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter
This slideshow covers all of the content from the new AQA GCSE (2016) unit on "Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter". It includes: ionic bonding, ions, properties of ionic bonds, drawing ionic bonds, balancing ions, giant ionic structures and their properties, covalent bonding, dot and cross diagrams, giant covalent structures, polymers, metallic bonding, particle theory, limitations of particle theory, predicting states of matter, state symbols, dissolving ionic substances, properties of simple covalent molecules, metals and alloys, structure of alloys, thermal and electrical conductivity, properties of giant covalent structures, graphene, fullerenes, nanotechnology, using nanotechnology in sun cream.

Chemistry 4 - Chemical Changes
Use this PowerPoint file to help teach the Chemical Changes (topic 4) unit from the AQA syllabus! It covers: metal oxides, oxidation reactions, reactions of metals with water, reactions of acids with metals, reactivity and the reactivity series, displacement reactions, extracting metals from ores, redox reactions, writing half equations for redox reactions, acids and alkalis, reactions of metal carbonates with acids, reactions of metal hydroxides with acids, making salts, the pH scale, definitions of acids and alkalis, neutralisation reactions, titration, strong and concentrated acids, electrolysis, electrolytes, what happens during electrolysis, half equations for electrolysis, extracting aluminium from bauxite, predicting products from electrolysis.

Chemistry 3 - Quantitative Chemistry
This slideshow covers: what happens during chemical reactions, balancing equations, atomic mass, relative formula mass, conservation of mass in reactions, the definition of the mole, molar calculations, calculating the mass of a product, using moles to balance equations, limiting reactants, volume and concentration, converting concentrations, percentage yield, atom economy, titration and example questions, calculating volumes of gases, volume of a gas at room temperature and pressure.

Chemistry 5 - Energy Changes
This slideshow covers the C5 Energy Changes unit, including: exothermic and endothermic reactions in terms of temperature changes, energy level diagrams, exothermic and endothermic reactions in terms of bond energies, using bond energies to calculate energy released in reactions, drawing bond energies on energy level diagrams, how cells and batteries work, metal potentials and reactivity, alkaline vs rechargeable batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, fuel cell equations, advantages of hydrogen fuel cells.

Chemistry 6 - Rate and Extent of Chemical Change
This slideshow covers: measuring the rate of reaction, rates of reaction graphs, calculating the rate of reaction using equations and tangents, collision theory, catalysts and how they help a reaction, energy level diagrams and catalysts, reversible reactions, equilibrium, applying Le Chatelier's Principle to changes in concentration, temperature and pressure.

Chemistry 7 - Organic Chemistry
This slideshow covers: crude oil and what it is made of, hydrocarbons, alkanes and their general formula, fractional distillation, alkanes as fuels and feedstock, properties of alkanes, burning hydrocarbons, cracking, alkenes, testing for alkenes using bromine water, uses of alkenes, functional groups, breaking double bonds in alkenes, properties of alkenes, reactions of alkenes, alcohols, reactions of alcohols, fermentation, carboxylic acids and their strength, monomers and polymers, addition polymerisation, condensation polymerisation, amino acids, DNA.

Chemistry 8 - Chemical Analysis
Use this slideshow to teach the C8 topic from the AQA 2016 science course. It covers: pure and impure substances, boiling points of mixtures, formulations, chromatography, Rf values, testing for hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and chlorine, flame tests, precipitation reactions, metal hydroxides and their precipitate colours, testing for carbonates, testing for halides, testing for sulfate ions, instrumental methods, flame emission spectroscopy.

Chemistry 9 - Chemistry of the Atmosphere
This slideshow covers: the Earth's atmosphere and its composition, how the atmosphere has evolved, changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, formation of oil and gas, global warming, the greenhouse effect, problems associated with human activities and pollution, possible effects of climate change, carbon footprint, ways to reduce a carbon footprint, pollution, formation of types of pollution such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

Chemistry 10 - Using Resources
This slideshow covers: natural resources, finite resources, sustainable development, drinking water, making water potable, water resources, how to treat water, extracting and purifying copper, phytomining and bioleaching, Life Cycle Assessments, recycling, rusting, ways to prevent rust, sacrificial protection, alloys, how alloys make steel harder, ceramics, polymers, properties of polymers, LD and HD polythene and its uses, thermosetting and thermosoftening polymers, composite materials, reversible reactions, the Haber Process, the economics of the Haber Process, production and use of NPK fertilisers, using phosphate rock, naming fertiliser salts.

Physics 5 - Forces
This PowerPoint covers the NEW 2016 (AQA) GCSE unit called Forces. It covers: vector and scalar quantities, contact and non-contact forces, weight and mass, weight being proportional to mass, centre of mass, resultant force and how it affects motion, drawing a resultant force using scale drawings, vector diagrams, work done, force and extension, the limit of proportionality, elastic and inelastic deformation, force and compression, turning moments, levers, gears, pressure in liquids and gases, calculating pressure, how and why pressure changes with depth, why objects float, atmospheric pressure, distance and displacement, speed and velocity, distance-time graphs, calculating acceleration, velocity-time graphs, acceleration due to gravity, terminal velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces, Newton's Laws of Motion, F=ma, inertial mass, stopping distances, reaction times, momentum, conservation of momentum, change in momentum and force.

Physics 1 - Energy
This slideshow covers the new AQA 2016 GCSE content on Energy, including: the different types of energy, conservation of energy, energy changes, kinetic energy, force and extension, elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy, specific heat capacity, work done, energy and power, reducing heat loss, efficiency, how to increase efficiency, fuels, renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, pollution, advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable sources, how our usage of different sources of energy has changed.

Physics 6 - Waves
This slideshow covers the Waves topic from the 2016 AQA syllabus and includes: a wave as a movement of energy, transverse and longitudinal waves, definitions of amplitude, frequency and wavelength, the wave equation, drawing a wave on graph paper, measuring the speed of a wave, wavefronts, what happens when waves hit a boundary, reflection, sound waves and how they travel, converting sound to vibrations in the ear or a microphone, echo sounding, ultrasound, earthquakes, using seismic waves to investigate the structure of the Earth, electromagnetic waves, the electromagnetic spectrum, refraction, drawing wavefronts during refraction, using radio waves, harmful radiation and causing mutations or cancer, transmitting signals using radio waves or microwaves, using infra red, uses and dangers of different electromagnetic waves, convex and concave lenses, drawing ray diagrams for lenses, finding the focal length of a lens, calculating the magnification of a lens, specular and diffuse reflection, how filters work, seeing coloured objects in different colours of light, translucent vs transparent, blackbody radiation, colour and temperature, emitting and absorbing radiation, factors that affect the temperature of the Earth.

Physics 2 - Electricity
This slideshow covers the Electricity topic from the 2016 AQA syllabus. It includes: circuit symbols, electric current, charge and current, definition of voltage, current and resistance, Ohm's Law, calculating resistance, using a battery to drive a current, factors affecting resistance of a wire, current-voltage graphs for bulbs, resistors and diodes, resistance of LDRs and thermistors, using LDRs and thermistors in control circuits, current and voltage in series and parallel circuits, resistance in series and parallel circuits, equivalent resistance, DC and AC, wiring a plug, the role of the earth, live and neutral wires, what happens when you are electrocuted, fuses, circuit breakers, electrical power and P=IV, energy and E=PT, charge and W=QV, the National Grid, static electricity, electric fields.

Physics 3 - Particle Model of Matter
This slideshow covers the following content of the 2016 AQA GCSE course: revision of particle theory, how to calculate density, densities of solids, liquids and gases explained, changes of state, motion of gas particles, making a gas hotter, internal energy, how to calculate specific heat capacity, applying an understanding of specific heat capacity, graphs for heating ice, specific latent heat, gas pressure, how temperature affects gas pressure, the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature in gases.

Physics 7 - Magnetism and Electromagnetism
This slideshow covers the following content from the P7 topic from the 2016 syllabus: magnetic fields around a bar magnet, attraction and repulsion, permanent vs induced magnetism, magnetic metals, the Earth's magnetic field, plotting a magnetic field with a compass, magnetic field around a current-carrying wire, making electromagnets, how relays work, the motor effect, F=BIl, example questions on the force on a wire, electric motors, how loudspeakers work, electromagnetic induction, the generator effect, AC generators, how microphones work, how transformers work, the transformer equation, power conservation in transformers and example questions.

Physics 4 - Atomic Structure
This slideshow covers: the structure of the atom, electron orbits, changes in orbit due to absorption and emission of radiation, atomic charge, proton and mass number, isotopes, ionisation, the development of atomic structure theory including the work of Bohr, Thomson, Rutherford and Chadwick, Rutherford scattering, radioactivity, types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and neutrons), ways to detect radioactivity, blocking radiation, nuclear equations, radioactive decay graphs, half life, contamination and irradiation, background radiation, using sieverts to measure radiation, medicinal tracers, using gamma radiation in radiotherapy, nuclear power stations, nuclear fission, chain reactions, nuclear fusion in stars.

Physics 8 - Space Physics
This slideshow covers the whole of the Space Physics (Physics only) part of the AQA 2016 course, including: planets, asteroids, moons and comets, the Milky Way, the life cycle of a star (nebula, protostar, main sequence, red giant, red supergiant, black dwarf, neutron star and black hole), second generation stars, the Earth's orbit, the moon's orbit, orbit of satellites and how speed varies with orbital radius, speed and velocity applied to orbits, the Big Bang Theory, red shift and how it provides evidence for the Big Bang Theory, dark mass and dark energy.