
Slide Preview for Biology 2

Below are the previews for the slide in Biology 2. If you click on them, you can see larger versions. If you are on a computer you can press the left and right arrows to move. You can also click the arrows to the left and right of the screen.

Powerpoint Description:

Plant and animal cells, diffusion, osmosis, photosynthesis and what it needs, uses for glucose, leaf structure, nutrients and why they are needed, pyramids of biomass, energy flow in a food chain, improving the efficiency of a food chain, Sankey diagrams for warm and cold blooded animals, the carbon cycle, enzymes, respiration, uses for enzymes in the body and in industry, homeostasis, controlling body temperature, controlling blood sugar levels, diabetes, the work of Mendel, mitosis and meiosis, genes, chromosomes, DNA, genetic cross diagrams, inherited diseases, sexual reproduction, stem cells.

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PowerPoint Slide Previews

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